Making a Negligence Claim Against a Vet
If you have suffered financial losses in excess of £10,000 and need advice on making a negligence claim against a vet on a no win, no fee basis then call our free legal helpline.
At the moment the courts are unwilling to compensate people for the “sentimental” value of losing a beloved pet. Instead the courts concentrate on the economic loss that the owner has suffered. This creates a problem for many claimants as the pure financial loss involved in a veterinary negligence claim is often under £10,000, the current ‘small claims court’ threshold.
Because legal costs are not fully recoverable in the small claims court, it is rarely economic for a solicitor to be instructed in these cases and No Win, No Fee funding is not available. Claimants can however pursue a claim themselves in the small claims court and we are always willing to assist you with these cases on a traditional privately funded basis..
However, the financial loss incurred as a result of vet negligence does occasionally escalate way beyond the £10,000 small claims court limit. Valuable horses, pedigree dogs with breeding potential, and animals requiring expensive, life-long veterinary treatment can all give rise to a vet negligence claim that falls outside the small claims court jurisdiction.
In order to make a successful claim we must prove that the vet breached their duty of care, which this may involve obtaining an expert’s report from an independent veterinary surgeon. It is also necessary to establish that the financial loss being claimed arose directly as a result of the breach of duty.
So, if you have suffered financial loss in excess of £10,000 and need legal help in making a negligence claim against a vet, you can call our free legal helpline on 0333 888 0403 for an assessment of your case. Alternatively you can email details of your vet negligence case to us at [email protected]